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Jul 1, 2013

Wisconsin, Part I: New Glarus Brewing

In May, I took Zack to Wisconsin, God's favorite state, for a whirlwind weekend centered around two things: 1) my alma mater's Commencement ceremony and 2) adding to my stockpile of New Glarus beer.

New Glarus beers are special for about six thousand reasons. I love that almost everywhere you go in Wisconsin, even a dive bar or otherwise-uncool restaurant, you'll probably find Spotted Cow on tap. I love their label art, their citrusy summer beers and darkest winter beers, and their brewery, which is like the Swiss chalet portion of Epcot, but 100% drunker. (Oh, and they've won a thousand awards, and brewery co-founder Deb Carey sat in Michelle Obama's box during the State of the Union this year, and so on, so forth.)

Plus, New Glarus beers are exclusively sold in Wisconsin. Each bottle, then, is precious to Wisconsin ex-pats like me, and -- as you can see between comments about The West Wing --  the straightest route into my heart.

Look out, Zack.

A trip to the brewery was our very first order of business when Zack and I started our trip on a Saturday morning.

Beer: it's science.

These vats are total babes, and their copper comes from a Bavarian brewery.

I wish the tours were guided -- a lot of the tour involves walking down long hallways like these and staring into windows -- but it's still a lovely walk. 

Stairway to heaven, y'all. (It was roped off.)

I've never seen the bottling and labeling machines in action (and I've been to the brewery maybe six times), but I imagine it's just as mesmerizing as the crayon factory episode of Mr. Rogers... But 100% drunker.

 Zack fell in love with this stuffed fat squirrel (a nod to Fat Squirrel beer).

 I thought this hops jewelry was pretty clever.

Amen, Deb. Amen.

Part two of the Wisconsin trip recap to follow! Stay tuned.

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