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Jun 16, 2013

Throw Your Own: Arrested Development Party

I've made a huge mistake: I haven't shared this party with you sooner.

When throwing a party of any kind, I prize representation over replication, if that makes sense -- so when it came time to throw together an Arrested Development-themed party to celebrate the release of the new season, I didn't worry about whipping up club sauce or making my loose-interpretation-of-Tobias costume into something with a bald cap. It's the nod, not the recreation, that matters.

With this in mind, I brought to life almost every Arrested Development joke I could think of. I'm proud to say I came up with 98% of these before consulting NPR's endlessly fascinating infographic of the show's running gags. 

I admit to hearing a sad, lone howl while we were deep in the fourth episode, but I don't think it actually came from one of my friends. Here's to you, howly neighbor.

Once guests made it inside, they found my front door was actually a portal to Wee Britain. And when they opened the door:



From there, my decorations explored other Arrested Development classics.

You're killing me, Buster.

I turned my bathroom into the Aztec Tomb... and then I blue myself.

For refreshments, I made frozen bananas and other treats. (Not pictured: the now-expired box of Franiza, aka Lucille's juice box.) Hat tip to Zack for buying a mini freezer-cooler for me and dressing it up like the banana stand. 

 Those gross-looking cupcakes are grosser than you might realize: they're hair plug cupcakes. (I split chocolate Twizzlers into strands to make the hair. Gross, gross, gross.)

There was a catch: I made everyone eat off a tiny hook. 


Ben, that valiant soul, even tried a mayonnegg, with limited success.


Speaking of Mayonneggs, it's time to reveal my #1 Party and Lifetime Achievement: I dressed my dog up as Ann Veal. 

Before my guests left, I encouraged them to hop in the photo booth I made (hung over my china cabinet). The backdrop was inspired by Buster's run-in with sheep in a photo booth, yes, but also by my favorite oft-overlooked Tobias quote: "Somewhere over the rainbow, there's another rainbow." 

"Self-Portrait with Candy Beans"

I hope you've had as much fun listening to "Christmastime Is Here," "The Final Countdown," "Afternoon Delight," and "You're As Cold As Ice" on a perpetual loop as I have.   It's bye bye to Rita, then! 

1 comment:

  1. What a LOVELY party and I'm sad I missed it. Amelia, you theme a party like nobody's bizness. Although, as someone who is only on season two of AD, I understood only about 1/3 of the references. No matter. Now I have something to look forward to!
