My mom's friend brought her these Green Gables notecards from Prince Edward Island some ten-plus years ago. It's probably fate.

I cut around all of my typos and pasted this invitation into each notecard:
"Anne of Green Gables
a ladies' brunch
Saturday, January 26, 2013
One o'clock in the afternoon
Atop the ridgepole of the roof* at [my address]
Please wear your finest winter whites, gable greens, and carrot oranges.
Raspberry cordial and other refreshments will be served."
* Please, ladies, don't dare each other to walk my ridgepole, please.
In my return address, I hyphenated my last name with Cuthbert. Albright already has dibs on being Marilla thanks to her stern attitude towards strangers, and Uncle Buck, my taxidermied deer head, will be Matthew.
I'm spending the week crafting and cooking as fast as I can. Stay tuned for post-brunch recipes and instructions for breakable slates, pudding mice, pigtails, and other essential Anne-isms.
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